Baked shad

Main ingredients:hilsa herring Finished product features: golden color, crisp outside and tender inside Food knowledge: Shad has sweet taste and flat nature. It can return to the spleen and stomach meridian. It can warm and stimulate the stomach, tonify deficiency, strengthen and nourish, warm and replenish qi, warm and replenish deficiency, appetizer and invigorate the spleen, clear away heat and toxin, and cure sores. It should be steamed with scales. After the shad is steamed, the oil can be applied to the scalded area. Shad meat is tender and delicious. It is rich in fat and unsaturated fatty acids. It has the effect of reducing cholesterol and is beneficial to prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Zhi Jiang Food Street

Located on the south of the hotel gate, the theme provides special Hunan cuisine and Various farm-style food, with private rooms and leisure atmosphere.

Zhi Jiang Food Palace

Located on the south of the hotel gate, the theme provides special Hunan cuisine and Various farm-style food, with private rooms and leisure atmosphere.

Ming Dang

Comprehensive a la carte area, seafood pools and Ming files show.


Mainly located in the main building on the first floor, there are a variety of boxes twelve, the 6th largest box with separate toilet, an area of ??85 square meters
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